Our Schedule

8:00 Drop-offs, Welcome Children
9:30 Circle-Time
10:00 AM Snack
10:00 Potty-time/Clean-up/Wash-Up
10:15 Outdoor play-time (water Play - Playdough - Sand - Paint)
11:45 Clean-Up/Wash-Up
12:00 Lunch time
12:30 Potty-Time/Clean-Up/Wash-Up/Get on mats
01:00 Nap-Time and/or Quiet-Time
03:00 Potty-Time/Clean-Up/Wash-Up
03:30 Afternoon Snack
04:00 Table Play
04:30 Music And Dance
05:00 Pick-Ups

Infants have their schedule and their diapers will change every 2 hours or more as needed